I wanted to extend my Starlink Wi-Fi network to a router I have in my workshop without the use of any cables, or by having to purchase the Starlink ethernet adapter.
The issue I ran into was that my TP-Link ER706W is primarily a wired VPN router, and does not support Wi-Fi bridging or repeater modes.
Instead, I was able to get a similar effect by:
- Using Raspberry Pi 4 to connect to the Starlink Wi-Fi network and forward connections to its ethernet port while having NAT
- Have the TP-Link ER706W router use the Raspberry Pi ethernet connection as the WAN gateway
The below configuration was applied to a Raspberry Pi 4B using Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS.
Any Wi-Fi router should work here so I’ve kept the Wi-Fi router instructions here generalised.
Set up Port Forwarding
Ubuntu on the Raspberry Pi must be set up to allow port forwarding between network interfaces.
To configure, add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf
Then apply the configuration:
sudo sysctl -p
Configure NAT at the Wi-Fi interface
In this setup, the Raspberry Pi connects to the Starlink Wi-Fi network and acts as a gateway for devices connected to the TP-Link router.
When devices behind the TP-Link router send traffic to the internet, NAT (Network Address Translation) on the Raspberry Pi changes their private IP addresses to the Raspberry Pi’s Wi-Fi IP address.
Add the required rules to iptables with:
# replace wlan0 with your wifi interface if it differs
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
With this configuration, the Starlink Wi-Fi network does not need to handle or deal with the TP-Link router network addresses at all.
Configure port forwarding between the Raspberry Pi interfaces
To forward traffic between the Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi interface and ethernet interface, add the required rules to iptables with:
# replace eth0 and wlan0 with your interface names if the names differ
# outbound forwarding
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT
# inbound forwarding
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
Make all iptables changes persistent:
sudo apt install iptables-persistent
Set a static IP address for the ethernet interface
The ethernet interface needs to be configured with an IP address so it’s reachable as a gateway for the TP-Link router.
The Raspberry Pi ethernet interface and TP-Link router will share their own subnet, separate to the subnets used for the TP-Link router Wi-Fi network.
Here for example, I used:
- for the TP-Link router to Raspberry Pi ethernet network.
- for the Raspberry Pi ethernet interface IP address
- for the TP-Link IP address (configured under WAN settings)
- for the TP-Link router Wi-Fi network subnet
Ubuntu uses netplan to configure networking. Here’s a typical configuration for this purpose:
# /etc/netplan/01-network-config.yaml
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
dhcp4: yes
password: "YourWiFiPassword"
Before applying the configuration, check for existing configuration. Ubuntu is frequently packages with /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml for cloud init, which is a tool used to configure cloud instances or virtual machines during their first boot.
If that cloud init config exists, read the instructions within the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml file for steps on how to disable it.
Configuration can be applied with:
sudo netplan apply
Configure the TP-Link router to use the Rasberry Pi as a gateway
The TP-Link router can now use the Raspberry Pi as a gateway. Under the WAN settings for the WAN port that connects to the Raspberry Pi, I used the following configuration:
IP Address (of TP-Link router):
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway (the Raspberry Pi):
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
DNS is set here because the Raspberry Pi hasn’t been configured to handle DNS requests. Any devices that are connected to the TP-Link Wi-Fi (as their default gateway), will use the DNS specified here.
Devices connected to the TP-Link router wireless (or wired) network should now be able to access the internet.
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